Sunday, March 26, 2017

Bro Naz Diamada and his Household

March 26, 2017

Missionaries and Priesthood leaders working to help Bro Naz Diamada and his Family about the gospel.
Bro Naz is investigating the church and will be baptize this coming May,

Friday, March 24, 2017

Welcome Back Sister Buluran

March 24, 2017

Sister Buluran Return Back to the Philippines from her 18 months mission from Seattle Washington

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Bishops of Bacoor Stake

Bishops of  Bacoor Ward

Photo Taken March 18 during 5th Annual Bacoor Stake Conference 
From Left to Right Bishop Sol Antonio (Daang Hari), Bishop Figueroa ( Molino 1st), Bishop Miranda 
( Imus 2nd), Bishop Chan (Bacoor), Bishop Amaya (Imus 3rd), Bishop Caparoso (Imus 1st) Not in photo Bishop Jimenez ( Imus 3rd )

First Day of Seminary 2019-2020

June 3, 2019 First Day of Seminary 2019-2020