Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Temple Ordinance Cards

Jan 30, 2019

EQ and RS leaders and members worked several nights leaving church at 930PM to finish the temple cards for STAKE TEMPLE TRIP on Feb 13.   The required 150 Baptism and Confirmation, 20 Initiatory, 20 Endowment an 5 Sealing were met and surpassed.  Thanks to the effort of Sister Mabini, our ward Family History Consultant.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Self Reliant Classes

Bacoor 1st SRS Classes


December 9, 2018
Bacoor 1st Ward
Starting and Growing My Business

Bacoor 1st Ward
January 6 ,2019
SGMB Lesson 2
My Job Search Lesson 1


Jan 16, 2019

The Bacoor Stake Bishoprics and Relief Society Leaders ( a third of this group left before this picture was taken) who came to learn of the mechanics of the Ministering in Self-Reliance-the Transformation Project with the ever supportive President Rellora, Stake Presidency Counselor and Chairman of the SSRC and our hardworking initiator-CSM, Elder Gercov Batoctoy, January 13, 2019. — Jomel Villanueva

January 20, 2019
Lesson 3
SGMB class
Bacoor 1st ward

First Day of Seminary 2019-2020

June 3, 2019 First Day of Seminary 2019-2020