Monday, January 11, 2016

Missionary Transfer

All our full time missionary will be transferred this coming Wednesday. Thank you very much Sister Garcia, Sister Domingo, Sister Tamotu and Sister Letele for serving our ward. Sister Domingo finished her mission and will be going home this Tuesday. God Bless You all. Till we meet again!

Sister Domingo- Going Home
Sister Garcia- Transfer to Molino. Will be new STL.
Sister Tamotu- Transfer to Golden City
Sister Letele- Transfer to Muntinlupa

Transfer was announced January 11, 2016
Effective January 13, 2016

 Sisters Domingo, Garcia, Tamotu and Letele

Sister Letele, Jolibee, Sister Tamotu

 Sister Letele of American SAMOA
Sister Domingo during her last Sanday as full time missionary

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